First census was held in 1872, but it was not a synchronized census. First synchronized census was held in 1881, since then at every ten years census is organized.
C Chandramouli is the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India who headed the 15th census of India.
Census is a union subject 9Article 246) and is listed as entry 69 of the VIIth Schedule of the constitution.
The year 1921 is known as the year of demographic divide.
Population 1210193422.
Density 382 (324 as census 2001)
Sex Ratio 940 (933 as census 2001)
Literacy Rate 71.04% (64.83% as census 2001)
Population in age group 0 – 6 158789287
Child population in India is decreased from 15.9% to 13.12% and has negative growth(- 3.02%)
Nagaland has a negative population growth rate of – 0.5.
The Indian Population is 17.44% of the world. The decadal population growth of India is– 0.4%
India is regarded as a country with Demorgraphic dividend. This is due to its high population in the age group of 15 – 64 years.
Decadal population growth in 2001 – 2011 is 17.64%
The slogan and the mascot of the Census 2011 is “Our Census – Our Future’ and ‘Femal Enumerator’.
Kerala 993.9%) has the highest literacy rate and Bihar (63.8%) has the lowest literacy rate.
In terms of population, UP has maximum and Lakshadweep has minimum.
In terms of area, Rajasthan has the largest and Lakshadweep has the smallest.
In terms of density, Delhi (9340) has maximum and Arunachal Pradesh (17) has minimum.
In terms of sex ratio. Kerala (1084) has maximum and Daman and Diu (618) has minimum.
The study of population is called demography. Karl Marx is the father of demographic studies.